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Red Oak Elementary School Membership

Red Oak PTO Board invites you to become part of the Red Oak Elementary School PTO!

The $10.00 annual membership fee helps to establish an initial operating fund for this year's PTO Programs. By becoming a member, you are supporting the mission of PTO and ultimately the teachers and students of Red Oak Elementary School. The PTO needs and welcomes ideas, suggestions and input from everyone.

 Membership applications can be obtained by sending an email to  and in the subject line please put "Send PTO Membership Application". For your convenience, you may drop off your completed membership application and $10.00 fee in the PTO drop box located in the front office. If you have any ideas, questions or comments you are welcome to drop them in the drop box as well. You may pay by cash or check, and please make checks payable to "Red Oak Elementary PTO". Thank you for your support!

 Membership is only $10 per family. All parents, legal guardians and staff at Red Oak are encouraged to become members of PTO Elementary School.

 Join the ROE PTO today!


For questions about the Red Oak Elementary School PTO or to volunteer, please contact us by email: OR 404-486-3414.


PTO Volunteer Opportunities


When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts”

Dalai Lama
Membership is renewed annually.
Of Your Donation Goes to the PTO
to Help Our Kids & Teachers!