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Dr. Mincey, Assistant Principal

Greetings Monarch Nation,

My name is Dr. Brian Mincey and it is my pleasure to join Red Oak Elementary as assistant principal.

This is my 18th year in Henry County School District, serving a diverse group of students at the school and district level.  A portion of this time involved a 12-year stint as a school psychologist, informing my general practices on items pertaining to these school-based operations: Section 504, Special Education, Multi-Tiered System of Supports, and Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports.  This accompanied a 5-year stint as an assistant principal, where my contributions resulted in state recognition by the Georgia Department of Education in instruction and school climate.

Outside of Henry County School District, my work experience included presentations across state and national platforms catering to education.  This accompanied prior research experience with the Florida Center for Reading Research, resulting in a published article in Remedial & Special Education.  Final consideration applied in a consulting stint with an outside agency, utilizing prior credentials as a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) trainer.

In joining the Red Oak Community, it is my duty to serve as an advocate for student growth and learning.  Through continued partnership and transparent communication, I am committed to be “ALL IN” when it comes to the Red Oak motto: One School, One Community, One Direction.  This commitment serves greatly to the 20-year history of this institution.


B.S., Psychology, Florida A&M University

M.S / Ed.S., Counseling & Human Systems (School Psychology), Florida State University

Ed.D., Educational Leadership, University of Georgia