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Ms. Thurmon, Assistant Principal



 Hi Everyone,

My name is Sheila Thurmon, and I am the new assistant principal at Red Oak Elementary. I am writing to formally introduce myself and share a little bit about the work I’ll be doing here. As the second assistant principal, I will support the school’s vision and mission. I will support you as we work together to intentionally create a positive and engaging learning experience for our students. I am eager to work directly with all of you. While I was applying for this role, I noticed that we value many of the same qualities. Hearing you speak of your connections with each other and the community encouraged me that I could have a similar experience at Red Oak like the one I have loved at Dutchtown Elementary. Knowing that we all want students to feel loved and be successful while growing as leaders ourselves made me excited to make this transfer. I’d like to share some details about my own professional experience. I am leaving Dutchtown Elementary, where I served as the Instruction and Personalized Learning Lead for the last several years. I also have experience teaching exceptional students and all of the responsibilities that come with being an interrelated teacher. Additionally, I am well versed in assessment and data analysis from my experience as the assessment contact. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me directly.

 I look forward to getting to know all of you!

Best, Sheila Thurmon