Red Oak
Elementary School
Unit 1 - Making Relevant Connections with Place Value Understanding, Addition, and Subtraction of Whole Numbers
4.NR.1.1 (Read and write multi-digit whole numbers to hundred-thousands place)
4.NR.1.2 (Represent and explain the relationship among the numbers 1, 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000, and 100,000)
4.NR.1.3 (Represent, compare, and order multi-digit numbers)
4.NR.1.4 (Round multi-digit whole numbers; Utilize number lines to round)
4.NR.2.1 (Add & Subtract multi-digit numbers using strategies)
4.MDR.6.2 (Using info to ask/answer questions)
4.NR.2.5 Multi-step word problems (add/subtract)