Important Information
Information for FAQs
Absences & Tardies
It is imperative that all students arrive to school on time each and every day. Students are expected to be in the classroom no later than 7:45 am before they are marked as “tardy” or “absent.” Children can be dropped off at school as early as 7:05 am to eat breakfast. They will be allowed to go to their classrooms beginning at 7:20.
If you want to send cupcakes to the class on your child’s birthday, please feel free to do so. Cupcakes will be passed out during lunchtime only. Please understand that you are only allowed to eat lunch with your child on Tuesdays. This means that if you provide cupcakes on a day other than Tuesday, they will need to be dropped off at the office before our scheduled lunch time. Please do not send birthday party invitations to school unless you are sending them for the entire class.
Class Rules
The “3 Be” rules are school rules listed in your student handbook and are expected to be followed.
Our class rules are:
Listen when your teacher is talking
Follow directions quickly
Raise your hand for permission to speak or leave your seat
Make smart choices
Respect yourself, respect your teacher and respect your school
Prior to giving the student a discipline referral slip, the following steps will take place:
- Warning
- Chat With Me (CWM)
- Chill out time
- Privileges lost
- Parent contact by way of email, note home, or phone call
Conferences are scheduled in the fall and in the spring. You may schedule a conference at any time during the school year if you have any concerns. I may also request to meet with you at the midpoint and/or end of the grading periods.
I have found that the best way to correspond with me is through Class Dojo or email.
You may also send a note in your child’s folder or call the school at: 770-389-1464. You will have to leave a message with the front office, but I will return your phone call as soon as possible.
Daily Folder
Please check your child's communication folder daily. This should be returned to school EVERYDAY. This is how I will send and receive important information.
My email address is I will be sure to respond within 24 hours of receiving your email.
Progress Reports
There will be progress reports to keep you advised of your child’s progress. These are given four and a half weeks after the beginning of each grading period to let you know how your child is progressing at that point.
It is very important that your child read at home regularly. Please read to your child and/or have your child read to you every night. Your child should be reading for at least 20 minutes each night. However, more time is always encouraged.
Each student will be responsible for providing snacks for the class once per month. Please see the snack procedure handout given during Open House.
Sight Word Tests
Please check your child’s folder for the weekly words. We will have our test on Fridays.
A supply list goes out at the beginning of the school year. Please make sure your child has all the necessary supplies every day. If there are any supplies your child is in need of, I will send a note home in their folder.
Team Work
We must work together to ensure a great academic year for you and your student.
Transportation Changes
Always remember to send in a handwritten note if there are any changes in afternoon transportation. This note needs to include your child’s name, the type of transportation change, the date(s) that the changes will occur and your signature. The note needs to be placed in your child’s folder so that I can see it as soon as soon as your child arrives at school.
Wish List
Donations to the classroom are always needed and appreciated in our classroom! Items that are needed throughout the year include: Lysol wipes. Paper towels, Kleenex, books (new or gently used), treasure box prizes (small candies, stickers, small toys).
Year-long Calendar
You can find our county’s year-long calendar posted on our website:
Please make sure your child gets a good night’s rest every night!