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Mrs. Gordon


 My name is Mrs. M. Gordon. I have been a Speech Language Pathologist for over two decades. I enjoy working in a field that allows me to see the progress of my students and the impact their success has on their lives. Being able to work with a variety of educators has also afforded me the opportunity to learn skills that I may not have had hands-on experience with based on my area of specialty.  Being educated in whatever you are interested in and continuously working on skills to not so much master them, but to improve them, is what I consider success. 

I lived in "The Big Apple" before moving to Georgia. Although I love the big city, (and I always will!) the more relaxed atmosphere here in the Peach State has been great. Family is very important to me.  We spend a lot of time doing various activities together, including traveling. I also enjoy reading and getting out in nature.