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Sirmans, Felecia


Welcome to 2nd Grade!

Welcome to Second Grade at Red Oak Elementary! I hope you all are ready to dive into the school year! I certainly am! I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with each of your scholars. Creating a fun, safe and engaging environment for our students to thrive in is my main goal, always. Second grade will bring new challenges, all of which we will conquer.

Class Dojo will be my primary form of communication! If you have not already accepted the invite sent to your phone please do that as soon as possible. I will post updates frequently! Students can also earn points on Class Dojo for positive behaviors and habits in class. 200 points on Class Dojo will earn them a prize or celebration of some sort! 

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach me via Class Dojo or by email at

Thank you and I look forward to the rest of the school year!


Last Updated 8/12/22