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Young, Tisha

Ms. Tisha Young

Farewell, ROE students! As you reach the end of your school year, it's time to bid you goodbye and celebrate the growth and accomplishments you have achieved during this year.

You have come a long way since your first day of school, discovering new subjects, making friends, and building the foundation for your future learning. This school year has provided you with the fundamental knowledge and skills that will continue to support you in your academic and personal endeavors.

Though it may be bittersweet to say goodbye to this school year and the friends and teachers who have been part of your daily life, remember that new adventures and exciting experiences await you. Cherish the memories you have created and the lessons you have learned, and carry them with you.

Congratulations on completing this year! You have grown and achieved so much, and I am proud of each and every one of you. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, and may your journey be filled with success, happiness, and endless possibilities. Farewell, and may your future be bright!

See you in the halls next year!